Instructor Admins and Institution Admins can clone their sections to prepare for each new semester. Follow the steps below to create your course clone.
1. In your Institution Dashboard, find the course in your course list that will be cloned.

2. In the right-hand column, select the "Duplicate" icon.

3. Fill in the Duplicate Course Instance page.
The only field that cannot be modified is the Course SKU, as that field sets the identity of the course itself. Your settings from the previous instance of the course can carry forward. See below for information on individual fields.

1. Enable Student Final Report Download

Check this box if you would like students to be able to download a PDF of their lessons after completion.
2. Course Name

This is generally the institution's name for the course, such as how it appears for students and instructors in their course catalog. This often stays the same between semesters.
3. Instructor

By default, the instructor of the course for last semester will carry over. However, this can be changed to any instructor that has already been added to the institution.
Additionally, you can check or uncheck the box that allows the instructor to create custom lessons or to customize the questions of existing lessons.
4. Instructor Notes and Gradebook Weights.

Check these boxes to carry over existing instructor notes in the lesson and grade weights assigned to questions.
5. Course Session Name

This field is for the identification of the individual instance of the course. Typically, institutions use the semester. You can also include a unique identifier if multiple sections are being run simultaneously, such as "Fall 2022 - 1" and "Fall 2022 - 2".
6. Section Open Dates

The "Open Date" field is when students can enroll into the course to order and register their lab kits, and the "Close Date" field is when the course will lock students out, typically at the end of the semester.
7. Class Start Date

This is the date that students can begin work in the course.
4. Select "Save" in the top right of the page.

Once the course has been saved, you will automatically be returned to your course list.
5. Scroll to your new course and locate the new Enrollment URL.

Notice that this Enrollment URL is different from the course it was cloned from. Each course has its own unique URL so that students can enroll in the correct section.
6. Update the information you send to your students.
Update your syllabus, online information, email templates, etc. to ensure that you are sending students the URL for the instance of the course that they will be attending.