If a student has been accidentally removed, they can easily be re-enrolled. The student's work should also be restored by completing these steps.
1. A student can select any LTI link for the course within your LMS to re-enroll in the course.
2. Reload the student list in the Instructor Dashboard to verify that the student's access and progress has been restored.
1. Send the student the course's enrollment link.
2. The student will select "Sign In" on the login page next to "Already have a Science Interactive account?"

Note that the student must select this "Sign In" link. The link on the upper-right hand corner will not complete the process correctly.
3. The student must complete the sign-in process.
- Depending on their own browser settings, their email address and password for login may have been saved.
- The student must use the same email address they originally enrolled in their class with.
4. Reload the student list in the Instructor Dashboard to verify that the student's access and progress has been restored.
If these steps do not re-enroll the student or if the student's progress is not restored, please contact your Account Representative.