Once your first tool is placed, you're ready to add links for each lesson in your SI Cloud course so that students can access them.
Follow the steps below to add lesson links to your Blackboard course.
1. Create a course shell according to your institution's policies and procedures
3. Select "Add Content"

4. Select "Content Market"

5. Select the tile with your course name
This is likely [Course Name] - SI Cloud

6. Select the lesson you want to connect

7. Select "Connect lesson"

8. Select the three-dot menu next to the lesson

9. Select "Edit"

10. Check the box for "Open in new window"

11. Select "Save"

12. Select the lesson you just connected

13. Verify that the lesson appears in SI Cloud
14. Repeat these steps for each lesson that you would like to add to your course
17. Select "Edit"

18. Edit "Maximum Points" and any other settings you wish, then select "save"