Once you have set up the Course Link, you will need to create individual web links for each lesson in your SI Cloud course, which will allow grades to transfer between SI Cloud and Blackboard Ultra.
If you need help locating your LTI credentials in Cloud, please see How to find the LTI Credentials for your course.
1. Select "+" under the content section of the course in Blackboard Ultra, then select "+Create" in the menu that appears
2. Select "Teaching tools with LTI connection"

3. Fill in the "Name" field with the name of the lesson

We recommend putting "Science Interactive" in the title as well as the lesson name, i.e., "Getting Started (Science Interactive)"
4. Select the "Hidden from students" dropdown and change it to "Visible to students"
The default for this field is "Hidden from students," so it is critical that you do not skip this step, as these lesson links will be how students access each SI Cloud lesson, enabling their grades to transfer back to Blackboard Ultra

5. Fill in the "Configuration URL" field with the URL from SI Cloud
URL: https://myhol.holscience.com/plugin/lti
This URL can also be found in SI Cloud under "Tool Provider URL" in the LTI Credentials.

6. Fill in the "Key" and "Security Token" fields
- Copy the "Tool Provider Key" field in Cloud, then paste it into the "Key" field in Blackboard Ultra.
- Copy the "Tool Provider Secret" field in Cloud, then paste it into the "Security Token" field in Blackboard Ultra.
See How to find the LTI Credentials for your course to locate these fields

If the Auto-fill selections are available as shown above, feel free to use them, so long as they match what is shown in SI Cloud.
7. Select "Add Custom Parameters" in the "Custom Parameters" field

8. Copy the Lesson Hook from SI Cloud and paste it into the "Custom Parameters" field in Blackboard Ultra
The lesson hook can be found under the lesson's name in SI Cloud and looks like this: lesson_hook=hol-mlesson-xxxxxxx.

You can only use ONE lesson hook per web link, so do not put multiple lesson hooks into this field. You will create additional web links for the remainder of the lessons after you finish this one.
9. Select the check box to "Open in new window"

10. Select "Create gradebook entry for this item"

11. Set the points and all other settings for this lesson in your Blackboard Ultra gradebook as desired
The weights you set in Blackboard Ultra do not have to match the weights set in SI Cloud.

12. Select "Save" at the bottom of the page
You will be returned to the Blackboard Ultra Content page.

13. Repeat steps 1–11 for each lesson in your SI Cloud course
Congratulations! Once all the lesson links have been added into Blackboard Ultra, your course is fully integrated.
Students can now enroll in SI Cloud and complete SI Cloud lessons simply by selecting the links you've created in Blackboard Ultra. Grades will also transfer automatically into your Blackboard Ultra gradebook.
14. Test your course by selecting your lesson links from the lesson list in your LMS
Once you have added all of the lesson hooks to your course, selecting a lesson link in your LMS will take you to your course dashboard, not to the individual lesson like it does for students. Don't worry, though, this means that everything was set up correctly!
If you run into any of these common error codes, see instructions here: