We've designed the Science Interactive LTI so that it can be applied to a Blackboard Master Course without the need for further updates. These instructions are a guide to copy a Blackboard course from a Master. There are a few reasons you may want to do this:
- You have several sections of the same course.
- You are teaching the same course in subsequent semesters or terms.
- You have several instructors teaching the same course.
These instructions will help you save time and effort. If you need the instructions for initial setup again, read Registering the SI LTI as a Blackboard System Administrator or Setting up Lesson Hooks in Blackboard.
1. Navigate to "Course Management > Control Panel" within the course you are going to copy.

2. Scroll down and select the "Packages and Utilities" drop-down arrow (1). Select Course Copy (2).

3. Open the "Select Copy Type" dropdown menu and select "Copy Course Materials into a New Course."

4. Select "Browse" to find the empty course you will copy the master into.

5. Select "Select All".

6. Select the radio button for your preferred course file copying process.

7. Select the check box to include enrollments in the course copy.

9. You will be redirected to the Course Setup page. Fill in all sections and select "Complete Setup."
If a system administrator clones a master course, an instructor only needs to enable the course registration (by clicking the link) to make it go live.

For complete instructions on how to fill out the Course Setup page, please see Complete Course Setup.