This set of instructions will walk you through adding lesson hooks in your D2L/Brightspace course. This allows students to access Cloud and enables their grades to transfer back into D2L. If you need help locating the LTI credentials for your course, please follow the steps in How do I find the LTI hooks for my course?
If your D2L/Brightspace interface does not match the images below, you may be using a different version of their LTI tool. Check out the instructions for the New Experience here.
2. Select "External Tool Activity"
3. Select "Manage External Learning Tools"
4. Select "New Link"
5. Add a title (ex: Getting Started). Add the Tool Provider URL. Check "Allow users to view this link"
6. Select the "Link key/secret" radio button
6.1. Find and copy the "Tool Provider Key" and "Tool Provider Secret" in SI Cloud
6.2. Paste the Tool Provider Key and Tool Provider Secret into the "Key" and "Secret" fields, respectively
7. Select "Add customer parameters." In the "Save Changes" pop-up, select "Save"
Please read Which hook is best? to help you decide which lesson hook you should use in your course.
8. Insert the Lesson hook information as shown below
Note: the hooks are displayed in SI as "lesson_hook=hol-mlesson-********." When performing this step, "lesson_hook" is placed in the name section. Everything after the "=" in the hook is placed in the value section (hol-mlesson-********).
9. Select all check boxes for the security settings, then select "Save" and "Close"
10. Navigate back to the content section of your course. Select "Add Existing Activities," then select "External Learning Tool" from the drop down. Select the link you created.
12. Select the "Open in a new tab" radio button
13. In the "In Grade Book" dropdown, select "Edit or Link to Existing"
14. Select the "Create and link to a new grade item" radio button
15. Select "Ok" at the bottom of the page
16. Select "Save and Close"
17. Select "Open Link"
18. Repeat the steps above for each additional lesson in your Science Interactive course
19. Test your course by selecting your lesson links from the lesson list in your LMS
Once you have added all of the lesson hooks to your course, selecting a lesson link in your LMS will take you to your course dashboard, not to the individual lesson like it does for students. Don't worry, though, this means that everything was set up correctly!
If you run into any of these common error codes, see instructions here: