1. Navigate to the destination course.
2. Select "Course Admin" from the navigation bar.

4. Ensure the radio button next to "Copy Components from another Org Unit" is selected.

This should be selected by default.
5. Select "Search for offering."

6. In the new window, select the "Search" button.

This will generate a list of courses that you have access to. If you know the name of the course, you can type it in the search bar before selecting "Search".
7. Choose the course you'd like to copy and select "Add Selected."

Make sure you choose the right course to copy as there is no reset button.
8. Scroll to the bottom of the page and select "Copy All Components."

This process may take a few minutes. Ensure you see a green check mark to indicate the copying process has successfully completed.
9. Select "View Content" to see your new course.